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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EST

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by. israel gives the green light to once to build fifteen hundred new satellite homes in palestinian east jerusalem but it's claimed the move will lead to other israeli isolation. and the wave of mass shootings that have swept the whys and the connecticut massacre of twenty children brings the gun control debate bunch with the forefront of american politics.
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news for russia and around the world this is as he was me hello and welcome to the program bahrain has again moved to crush dissent after an accident said police arrested twenty five protesters at monday's until regime rally in and around the campus authorities used tear gas and rubber bullets on the crowds in an hour and detained a well known compay no four. it's the street march calling for more freedoms from the sunni rulers and the release of political prisoners including a leading rights advocate in a bill for a job the sentence was reduced last week at court an appeal for his release was rejected around eighty people have been killed by security forces in nearly two years of continual pro-reform demonstrations bahrain is under pressure from rights
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groups for not following up on vows to modernize its case state institutions political scientist call income vows as the main reason the gulf monarchies still in power is due to vital backing from abroad play trying to crack down on the opposition. the international community that they have left in the bag protests but at the same time they are. behaving just as they are generally three quarters of the population are opposed to them and the bob relation is. the population wants. to abdicate the country they want democracy. in thirty years of. wires or silence of the united states when the by relations of human rights are so gross i just mean are generally quiet. and of course you and everyone else no mystery and that's because the fully based
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in bahrain from the bahrain the us uses that as a pivot point to try to intervene in control the middle it's the idea. is completely out of. junk in the modern world and the only ones who don't get it on the. israel says it will go ahead with plans to build fifteen hundred new settler homes and ease jerusalem the part of the city that's considered palestinian land the project was given and into me to have green light mines arena officials on monday this comes less than a month after the un granted palestine nonmember observer status but it won't east jerusalem to be the capital of a future palestinian state and our promising to raise the issue at a security council meeting author and historian child who insists that we have palestinians were sent on great israel is playing a risky game. israel is making a very dangerous wager that its chief ally and washington can protect it from the
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reach of international law but i think that's a misjudgment on israel's part the enhanced status of the public spending authority raises the possibility that the israeli beater ship can be dragged before the international criminal court in the hague for various transgressions not only that but the neighborhood of israel is changing with the rise of the solid on the rise of the islamicist so i think israel is playing a very dangerous game in the short term and in the long term the problem is the mr netanyahu does not want a settlement of this question he feels that his regime can continue in a grab palestinian land and settling palestinian land with jewish settlers ad infinitum into the future however it's well known that israel's main protector in washington is declining in international significance because really authorities
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would be wise to change their ill advised policy before it's too late. and as israel feels increasingly isolated at the expansion policy the arab spring means it's increasingly isolated in its own neighborhood as well the turmoil has seen him become the target of more attacks and militant rockets and even stray shells from across the border with syria on his policy are reports. there's a storm brewing in the middle east and it's leaving a chill in the hearts of most israelis say what you might about the arab spring it poses an obvious problem for tel aviv zaman and so we see in just a few weeks ago. plenty of missiles falling when israel form a radical. i dream and we see. already the beginning of maybe a christian war in the golan heights we see plenty of danger to
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israel's backyard has become a lot more dangerous in the last two years weapons from libya are leaking across borders and landing in the hands of unknown militant groups the trouble ahead is symbolized by the muslim brotherhood sweep to power in egypt from this rally in june an ominous promise by the movement to make sure and not kind of the capital at a minimum what we'll see is the free for weapons money and supplies from egypt into the gaza strip we will see egyptian volunteers going into the gaza strip to fight that's the minimum moving up from there the possibility of egypt israel war is by no means impossible but it was democracy that brought the muslim brotherhood to power and our deal both israel and the west came to espouse but both are now waking up to the reality that things might in fact have been better under the previous dictatorships at least for them we had a difficult situation but at least we had the contact you know with the leadership
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secondly president was committed to the peace process. this is russian today is that we are confronting a new president who belongs to a certain institution a certain movement which do not believe in the right of israel for existence israeli leaders know all too well that whatever friendships however useful they have with arab leaders it doesn't alter the basic threat posed by an arab awakening that in most countries is empowering militant islamic groups we will expect that these governments when when they will will but pressure not only on the friends of we feel also this. aboard the democracies that is emerging in the world will book that i have a tremendous challenges in order to maintain.
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law and order to establish a real democracy the need need some time but television fears that in the time it takes for that democracy to really take root and for the arab public perhaps one day to accept a jewish state relations with its arab neighbors will get far worse before they get better the challenge now for israeli leadership is twofold to avoid inflaming arab public opinion while protecting israel and also to counter the growing to space many israelis feel of a growing isolation in an increasingly volatile neighborhood policy r.t. tel aviv. thousands of demonstrators in madrid against a sturdy paula says with much of the antigovernment anger based on a broken promise to raise pensions in line with inflation pensioners and the elderly made up a large section of the crowd in the ronnie organized by spanish labor unions the protest comes a day after medical workers march through the capital enraged by the government's plan to privatized health care spain's kind stands at
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a can least eight hundred billion euros however madrid has gone out of its way to avoid it requesting a sovereign bailout economist younis of our roof on his says the mistakes made by the country's government could ultimately cost as a part of its territory. this is a government like the one that we like the one i love which is with all its eggs in the basket. we need to remember germany we can see. more from one of the great. risk of losing an election. change the course of the spanish government i'm very much afraid or all that. would be the possibility of losing because the lawyer. will stay for six months or longer you start thinking that perhaps the best of all how far you are. just ahead for you
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this hour does serving time mean you'll repeat the crime later on this hour will focus on the failings in british jails examining why so many people are thrown back in prison almost as soon as they've been left out. i was. the was. in the middle of russia is no way from civilization or any three hour helicopter treat from the nearest village. they stole one family have been living here for a long time in tents made of reindeer skins.
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so he can sell. lodging runs in raider signal and minutes they also grew up in the but left it at the age of six and never returned they now live in the city in apartment building but still remember their regions was. how i landed here is a dancing teacher. was. to his dances he tells the stories about his motherland. thanks claus in a reaper to now has a one thousand strong reindeer herd when the enemy only saw the light can and most around brood is gathered turns and moved to another posture they travel hundreds of
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kilometers in winter women and children for them. but the two families have less of a chance to come across each other they belong to different worlds even though there's sometimes a similar. well . science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future of covered.
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mission. critical patients free. for chargers free. range free. three. types of free. download free blog videos for your media project free media oh god r.t. dot com. you're watching on t.v. it's good to have you with us let's move on now is the long running debate with a tragic new context as their relatives of the twenty six victims all day sunday hook elementary school shooting and mourn the loss the argument of a gun control laws and the u.s. is back in the spotlight he's a sissy churkin what went to newtown connecticut to find out what people that think
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. to describe what's going on on the ground i think if we take all the sad words in the dictionary and combine them together there really is no way to describe no words to find to describe the heartbreak really the grief the sadness the tears. we saw on the ground this town is really at the head of me of grief during this holiday season in this country more or less half of the population supports gun control and of the country is split and half believes that it's a civil right and it's a right that americans are entitled to so whether or not any legislation good strong legislation can be passed to prevent these kinds of things is a question we're going to have to wait and see exactly what kind of steps lawmakers take and what the u.s. president takes but certainly i'm sure people are going to be demanding this kind of something to happen so that these situations are so they don't happen in the future over and over and over again parents holding their kids
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a little tighter and a little longer these days oh gosh i'm so glad that i have so many opportunities to . i love you i'm so glad you're mine i'm so glad you're in our family i'm so glad. you're you're here i'm still so glad that i'm having breakfast with you this morning candles flowers toys and grief filled newtown i keep hearing on the news over and over about the parents. or you pull to get their kids. to be told. their kids from school. and i can't imagine. if i was in their shoes as a parent that my daughter wouldn't pick up home with the twenty first graders none of them older than seven were killed in a mass shooting at school twenty year old adam lanza lived with his mother nancy in a well off residential neighborhood on friday morning he shot and killed her with
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her own gun got into a car drove about ten minutes to sandy hook elementary quoting two witnesses he didn't say a word during the rampage eight year old zachary was saved by his teacher my youngest son since and he had school and. he was in a classroom right near where the shooting took place and he was with a reading teacher just him in the reading teacher and she closed the door and took them into the bathroom they said bathroom floor until police came and said prayers and just a very quiet until the police came six school employees were also killed in the shooting including the favorite one of eight and then devon and that's going to be and that you would like to encourage. the six to nine year olds held a garage sale with their family after surviving the shooting with proceeds going to their school they did tell them to close their eyes my my daughter. course you never listen so she she didn't and she's pretty she's been talking about that
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a lot she said she said mommy i can't get that body out of my head i keep seeing people's emotions are stretched to the limit make an end here like make it worth something we could meet. because you can't you could create change change that heartbroken locals are now demanding. strict severe gun control. but you really look in the second amendment to bear arms but. then when it was written three hundred years ago two hundred fifty years ago the forefathers never thought that it would come to this while politicians don't have the power to bring back the twenty little children who used to play on the streets they do have the power to decide what happens next in a country where two hundred seventy million firearms almost one per person aren't private possession. and r.t.e. newtown connecticut. is being reporters that bone carrier has invited the u.s.
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to send troops to its territory one bulgarian daily newspaper says washington has a ready sixty million dollars into rebuilding a training range in the country's east the government in sofia says this will help boost to regional security and assist with the training of its soldiers and to actually this to brian baca says the u.s. is seeking to extend its influence in eastern europe we've seen that there is a strong motive force to maintain the cold war even without the soviet union and to incorporate the countries of eastern and central europe the former warsaw pact countries into an american sphere of influence through the medium of nato and so i think what the what the troop deployment the creation of more bases there already for. the corp of this as part of the nato strategy is one a threat to russia a threat to the national sovereignty of the people of the area because they have foreign military bases and it incorporates both gary makes it more secure as part
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of an american political and economic as well as military formation. egypt's public prosecutor has resigned less than a month after being appointed by president morsi the opposition is celebrating the move as a victory for the independence of the judiciary most of the country's judges are critical of morse's recent policies many refused to see the referendum on egypt's new draft constitution which forced the government to split into two stages this weekend's first round and they will the present a document according to unofficial counting data the voters however strongly contested by the opposition which has vowed to take protesters to the streets or nationwide demonstrations later today. moscow has confirmed that two russian employees of a syrian steel plant have been kidnapped the russian embassy is actually trying to identify the.
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areas of confinement but as artists our first reports now it seems there is far more being said than done. person locks up more people than anywhere else in europe yet where we do we get a glimpse of what life on the inside is really like and i would describe it as a sea of boredom. peppered with small islands of extreme violence and disruption stretched to breaking point you case prison systems are once again in the spotlight following a series of critical reports by the country's prisons inspectorate this government
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promised a rehabilitation revolution the trouble is the revolution things taking its time to get. i don't see any rehabilitation revolution i mean the last government passed hundreds of new laws which were sweeping people back into the prison system and this government is going down the same line you know the working people up that's the it's getting people out of the difficulty getting them out so much that they they don't come back but despite all the rhetoric say far the government's promises improved regimes all work in training in prisons have failed to materialize well as a bit of a cliché but prisons of education colleges of course you can go to prison. no not only have to hope was like become a vast amounts of knowledge that's what prisoners do criminals and it's not only mixing with other criminals that's a problem it's become an a.p.
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secret that the u.k.'s prisons are all washed with drugs. i would estimate. her when in these revised. it's a troubling accusation given that today the inmate population stands at more than eighty thousand people right now in a person's release from prison they've given forty six pounds but very little of the support released back into the same communities have all the same problems as before so it should be no surprise that also often it's not long before those people and up back inside the figures show a startling rise over the past years in the number who leave prison to go on to commit further crimes forty seven point five percent of the reconvicted within one year of being released britain's prisons it seems have become a revolving door every offenders and with all the government cuts it's hard to see
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just how the situation's going to improve it's obviously it's much more challenging if what you're doing the population is increasing resources are reducing and you're asking prisons to do those taping to stay out of prison within number of published books he's focusing on his writing career giving tools to schools all in children at the realities of a life behind bars but with tens of thousands of people released from prison every year until person comes to grips with what's happening on the inside prisons will continue to risk the safety of all of us on the outside surface r.t. london. up next our financial check up from washington with a loyalist. which
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is softening and often knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that you're soft as a horse breeder on the island of horn at the heart of bike of his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and his horses work there sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes they bite as well it's part of my every day life. i home suburban home to
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a new brats locally just laugh for centuries most still live off the land cattle and fish every evening local villagers place their nets and in the morning the catch is always good and we always have enough here. if by call is often called the pearl of siberia i horn i said to be the pearl of by call it's all end of fake forests. and vast steps. it's also a place of traditions respected by locals and travelers alike. an economist turned adventurer has crisscrossed by called shores and learned its customs well. you see this and thought to have supernatural powers every traveler who comes here asks the spirits to make the journey easier give them
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strength and fulfill the dearest wishes i knew virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was cornish quickly becoming a magnet for nature lovers and you will see cars but those used to five star pampering may be in for a surprise the island's infrastructure has yet to catch up with the growing demand here quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about it or even run in water for most people tend is there on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. you don't need to buy coal can be unique trip of a lifetime and the locals say once you've seen it you'll be coming back again and
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again. good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm more in leicester here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for monday december seventeenth two thousand u.b.s. is that to pay as much as one point six billion dollars to settle charges of libel rigging with u.s. u.k. and swiss. already this is according to bloomberg the big winner me here though is unlike the scores of bank settlements we've seen where the bank neither admits nor denies the allegations this time u.b.s. will reportedly fess up to criminal wrongdoing but is there a hitch well we'll talk to former prosecutor and special and check inspector general for tarp neil barofsky all got to ask him and one less talked about issue
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related to live where manipulation is that of the lawsuits are likely to arise from those holding the nancy products tied to the rate one major example stems from some municipalities use of interest rate swaps tied to live or they use it to hedge risk when they issued bond bonds for example what is an interest rate swap though we'll break it down and word of the day plus main opposition leader shinzo was elected prime minister of japan yesterday as expected he has got a big plans for the bank of japan let me tell you he wants it to double its inflation target to two percent and he wants unlimited easing to ensue so what may be the results of the nomics we'll talk about it loose change let's get this a day's capital account.
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the u.b.s. live or settlement is expected to be announced wednesday according to the financial times others reporting it could come as early as tomorrow here's some more of the details we know from the f t's coverage so the settlement is over alleged rigging of the yen live or interest rate over several years involving deaths from tokyo to london the bank will pay close to one point five billion dollars according to f t others which is bloomberg are saying that number could be slightly higher as much as one point six billion and an aspect of these settlement we don't typically see u.b.s. is japanese subsidiary will reportedly admit wrongdoing pleading guilty to a criminal charge however the f.t.c. says for saying the bank will not lose its ability to conduct business in japan.


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